
INASCRS Portofolio

November 27, 2015

INASCRS Leaderships steps in to help decreasing the number of blindness caused by cataract.

By increasing the number of cataract surgeries for the poor.
By modernizing the ophthalmic infrastructure and technology and most important by making the surgery cost affordable bto the common people.

Thank you for joining us at INASCRS Surgical Skills Courses 2015

November 22, 2015

Thank you for joining us at INASCRS Surgical Skills Courses 2015, 21 November 2015 in Shangri-La Jakarta.

Indonesia's Cataract Problem

June 26, 2015

Each year cataracts are diagnosed in 210,000 Indonesians, or 0.1 percent of the total population of 250 million. In an effort to lower blindness, the government continues to depend on its CSR partners. Minister of Health Nila F. Moeloek in a speech during the inauguration of the Blindness Assessment and Development Center in Bogor this past Sunday, June 21st, said, "Cataract is the main cause of blindness in this country. Each year, cataract surgeries cover only 80,000 patients while the ratio of ophthalmologists in Indonesia is 2 in 325 doctors.

Soft Opening INASCRS-PERDAMI Cataract Center & Phacoemulsification Surgery Course

June 22, 2015

Pada tanggal 21 Juni 2015 bertempat di Klinik Mata Dr. Hasrie Ainun Habibie - Bogor - Jawa Barat, telah diselenggarakan acara Peresmian - Soft Opening INASCRS-PERDAMI Cataract Center & Phacoemulsification Surgery Course.

Hadir dalam acara tersebut Ibu Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia - Prof. DR.Dr.Nila F. Moeloek, SpM (K) selaku Ketua Perdami Pusat yang berkenan membuka - meresmikan INASCRS-PERDAMI Cataract Center & Phacoemulsification Surgery Course.

Pelatihan Bedah Fakoemulsifikasi INASCRS Telah Dibuka

April 13, 2015

Mulai bulan April 2015, Program Pelatihan/Fellowship INASCRS untuk Bedah Fakoemulsifikasi telah di buka. Bertempat di Klinik Mata Dr. Hasri Aiunun Habibie, Bogor.

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