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In appreciation and  recognition for member of INASCRS  contributions to the success of the 26th APACRS annual meeting in 2013, APACRS offer three (3) travel grants  for member of INASCRS to participate in the 27th APACRS Annual Meeting. 

Each travel grant is worth USD1,300,  comprising cash reimbursement of US$1,000 and waiver of registration fee of USD300.

APACRS would like to invite INASCRS to submit three (3) nominations for the 2014 APACRS Travel Grant to attend the 27th APACRS annual meeting to be held from 13-16 November 2014 in Jaipur. 

Criteria for Nomination:


  1. Nominee must be an ophthalmology trainee/fellow below 35 years old.
  2. Nominee must be accepted as a presenter for Free Paper/ Poster or Video for 2014 APACRS Film Festival.
  3.  Nomination must be endorsed by President of INASCRS
  4. Nominations must be submitted before 1st July 2014.



Please download and complete the form bellow and email to Inascrs : inascrs@gmail.com

=== Link download Form_Nomination_for_APACRS_Travel_Grant_2014  ===


APACRS 2014 Jaipur India

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