INASCRS Surgical Skills Courses 2015
Shangri-La Hotel
November 21, 2015
Dear Colleagues,
It is a great honor and pleasure, I would like to invite all of those ophthalmologist and everyone else who have an interest in the exciting field of Cataract and Refractive Surgery to attend the INASCRS Surgical skills courses which will be held on 21 November 2015 at Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta, Indonesia.
The Scientific Committee is planning a comprehensive Courses that will attract a large number speakers who contribute to what has become one of the most important educational events in the ophthalmological calendar. Experienced Speakers will be deliver their skills and knowledges to all participants with instructional Courses and hand-on wetlab in special topic : "Preparation and Implantation Technique of Phakic and Aphakic IOL".
The Phakic IOL implantation course program and wetlab is a comprehensive certification course designed to provide you with the information and skills necessary to prescribe and surgically implant of phakic IOL.
Your journey to INASCRS Surgical skills courses will be more than worthwhile professionally and personally.
Chairman INASCRS Surgical skills courses,

Dr. Bambang Triwiyono, SpM(K),